Thursday, 21 April 2016

6. LAST DAY...

It has been a very nice week with the students, but they have gone...
Thanks a lot to Dorota, Izabella and Adams for their kindness and friendliness. The students have had an amazing behaviour, so you have to be proud of your work.
We'll see each other soon!

Here you have some photos of the airport.

Have a nice journey!



We have started the day watching some basque sports, in order to get the Polish involved in our culture.

A local tv has recorded us...

After that, we visited the Vizcaya Bridge.

Some of the students have explained some details of the bridge.

And when we came to the school we had some snacks all together.

We have really enjoyed this experience!!!

5. THURSDAY(Students opinion)

Hellooo!!! We are Amelia, Olga and Lucía. Now we are going to explain the last day :(

In the morning we went to Cruces school. Here we saw and tried Basque sports. Then we went to the Suspension Bridge. Here we walked on the bridge and some of the people were scared and afraid. After this we went to buy some sweets. Then we ate and after that we visited Getxo's zone. Later, we went again to Salesianos Deusto, here we had a party. Here we took a lot of games and we took a lot of photos.

Finally we were very sad because it was our last day, and we cried all the time.

Czwartek 21 kwietnia 2016
Dzisiaj rano spotkalismy sie w szkole wczesnym rankiem. Juz okolo 9 bylismy w sasiedniej szkole salezjanskiej. Tam zobaczylismy i doswiadczylismy baskijskich sportow. Nastepnie udalismy sie na Suspension Bridge. Niektorzy bali sie przejscia przez most, z powodu lekow wysokosci,ale wszystkim udalo sie pokonac strach i przejsc na druga strona. Potem udalismy sie do pobliskiego sklepu,aby kupic przekaske.Po jakims czasie zglodnielismy i poszlismy zjesc lunch. Nastepna atrakcja bylo zwiedzanie Getxo. Po dlugim meczacym dniu wrocilismy do szkoly gdzie zastala nas impreza pozegnalna. Przyjaciele zaskoczyli nas milym upominkiem,ktorym byly wspolne zdjecia. Po calym dniu wrazen zorientowalismy sie,ze jest to juz ostatni dzien i wiekszosc grupy zaczela plakac.
Na koniec dnia niektorzy udali sie do sklepu by kupic soveniry dla swoich rodzin.

Byly to wspaniale chwile spedzone z naszymi nowymi przyjaciolmi,bedziemy bardzo tesknic!!!!!!

Lucia,Amelia and Olga.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016



Today we have been visiting San Sebastian. The weather was quite rainy but the students have enjoyed the breathtaking views.

The water wasn't so cold...

They have been playing all together!

After that, we have visited the Town hall and the Cathedral.

After all, they have been teaching each other the numbers and the colours.

Have fun!

4. WEDNESDAY(Students opinion)

HI!!!! We are Michalina,Klara and Araitz.This morning we were in San Sebastian.We went there by bus. First,  we went for a long walk by the beach. Some of us went into the water. Later was time when we could play whatever what we wanted.There were two groups: the first one went to the cafeteria and the second was playing "burnt field".Then we went to the town hall and we bought some ice creams. There were weird kinds of them, for example grean tea or rice with milk.We saw a beautiful cathedral.We saw also the old city, and we stopped near the beach. After that we came back to BILBO or BILBAO. But it wasn't the end of our trip.

Sroda 20 kwietnia 2016
Dzisiaj bylismy w San Sebastian. Pojechalismy tam autokarem. Podroz trwala 2 godziny. Najpierw poszlismy na dlugi spcaer plaza. Niektorzy z nas nawet weszli do morza. Potem byl czas, ktory moglismy sami zagospodarowac. Podzielilismy sie na grupki i rozbieglismysie na rozne strony. Czesc poszla do kawiarni a czesc grala w siatkowke na plazy. Nastepnie poszlismy dalej na miasto.zjedlismy tam pyszne lody. Byly tm dziwne smaki, takie jak,np zielona herbaata czy ryz z mlekiem. zoba czylismy tez wspaniala katedre.  obejrzelismy rowniez stare miasto. potem poszlismy odpoczac na murku przy byla koncowka naszej wycieczki,poniewaz zaraz po tym wrocilismy autokarem do bilbao.  byl to naprawde udany dzien.

                                                                                                                      Michalina,Klara and Araitz.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

3.TUESDAY(Students opinion)


We are Ola, Okta and Paula. On Tuesday we arrived at the school of Salesianos Deusto at 8:45. We were exicited because we would go to visit Bilbao. First we played a game to know more about the school. After visiting the school, we went to Abandoibarra¨s promenade and then we walked by the river. During that walked some children bought an ice-cream. Later we went to the council. It was a beautiful building. After the council we went by cable-car to Artxanda and in a big garden we ate our snacks, we descend from the cable-car and we went down to visit ¨The Guggenheim Museum¨. For us ¨The Guggenheim Museum¨ was boring. Later we went by underground to come back to the school.

nazywamy sie Ola, Okta i Paula. We wtorek, o 8:45 przyjechalismy do szkoly Salesianos Duest. Bylismy bardzo podekscytowani, poniewaz pozniej wybralismy sie na zwiedzanie Bilbao. Na poczatku, zagralizmy w gre, ktora pomogla nam poznac szkole, po zwiedzaniu szkoly poszlismy do Abandoibarra's peomenade i pospacerowalimy wzduz brzegu rzeki. W tym miejscu niektore osoby kupily sobie lody. Pozniej poszlismy do ratuszu. Byl to piekny budynek. Po zwiedzaniu tego miejsca poszlismy do 



Today we started showing our fantastic school!!

First of all we have visited the church.

We also have visited the gym and the green land.

After that we have been walking around Ibandoinarra's promenade

Some of them they have had time to eat an ice cream...

Others to speak with their friends...

And we visited the council!

We have visited Artxanda and the Guggenheim museum...

We have really enjoyed it!

Monday, 18 April 2016

2.MONDAY (Students opinion)

we are Ola, Julia and Irene. Today polish people arived to Bilbao. The plane started at 13:50 and it finished at 16:45 after that we went with the teachers to Salesianos Deusto and some people went to Salesianos Cruces. Then we met with the families and we played games outside. Parents bought pizzas and they were deliceous. At 21:00 we went to Spanish people houses.  We think that it was an amazing day with our friends.

jestemy Ola, Julia i Irene. Dzisiaj Polacy przyjechali do Bilbao. Samolot wystartowal o 13:50 i wyladowal o 16:45. Pozniej pojechalismy z nauczycielami do Salesianos Deusto i czesc osob pojehcala do Salesianos Cruces. Nastepnie spotkalismy sie z rodzinami i gralismy w gry na dworzu. Rodzice kupili pizze, ktore byly pyszne. O 21:00 pojechalismy do hiszpanskich domow. Uwazamy ze to byl fantastyczny dzien z przyjaciolmi.


We have received the students at the airport! They are so nice and they were so nervous about the experience that they are going to live.

Here you have some photos:

First of all, at the airport.

After the arrival we have gone by underground to San Mamés Stadium.

After that, students have met each other and every student has gone with their families!

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, 13 April 2016


Everybody here we are waiting for The Polish arrival!!

We are counting the days to see you!

Every day some students are going to write some information about the activites that they will do. 

Here you have some places that students are going to visit.

See you soon, 
