HI!!!! We are Michalina,Klara and Araitz.This morning we were in San Sebastian.We went there by bus. First, we went for a long walk by the beach. Some of us went into the water. Later was time when we could play whatever what we wanted.There were two groups: the first one went to the cafeteria and the second was playing "burnt field".Then we went to the town hall and we bought some ice creams. There were weird kinds of them, for example grean tea or rice with milk.We saw a beautiful cathedral.We saw also the old city, and we stopped near the beach. After that we came back to BILBO or BILBAO. But it wasn't the end of our trip.
Sroda 20 kwietnia 2016
Dzisiaj bylismy w San Sebastian. Pojechalismy tam autokarem. Podroz trwala 2 godziny. Najpierw poszlismy na dlugi spcaer plaza. Niektorzy z nas nawet weszli do morza. Potem byl czas, ktory moglismy sami zagospodarowac. Podzielilismy sie na grupki i rozbieglismysie na rozne strony. Czesc poszla do kawiarni a czesc grala w siatkowke na plazy. Nastepnie poszlismy dalej na miasto.zjedlismy tam pyszne lody. Byly tm dziwne smaki, takie jak,np zielona herbaata czy ryz z mlekiem. zoba czylismy tez wspaniala katedre. obejrzelismy rowniez stare miasto. potem poszlismy odpoczac na murku przy plazy.to byla koncowka naszej wycieczki,poniewaz zaraz po tym wrocilismy autokarem do bilbao. byl to naprawde udany dzien.
Michalina,Klara and Araitz.
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